Monday, January 10, 2011

Too much or not enough - O troppo o non abbastanza

This has been a very introspective time for me, and something tonight caused me to think of the love/relationships aspect of my life. 
I realized that I have always either loved too much or not enough, or that I don't know how to love, and so love has mostly been a pain, one way or another, and this is why I was content to be without a "romantic" relationship for so many years. Some people just can't handle love. For some reason this reminds me of the saying "reality is for people who can't handle drugs". Which has nothing to do with anything.
Anyway, I also realized that my idea of relationship bliss is to sit in front of the fire with a female friend, talking, sipping wine or whatever, nature all around the house, each of us with our little art studio, in a  Country where humans, animals and the Earth are respected. But in the end, even this would be risky, because anything that is loved can ultimately be lost......
Questa e` una fase molto introspettiva della mia vita e qualcosa stasera mi ha fatto pensare al lato affettivo della mia vita. 
Mi sono resa conto che ho sempre amato troppo o non abbastanza o che forse non so  proprio amare e quindi, per la maggior parte, l'amore e` stata una sofferenza. E` per questo che sono stata bene da sola per tanto tempo. Secondo me ci sono persone che proprio non reggono l'amore. Per qualche ragione questo mi ricorda la frase "la realta` e` per quelli che non reggono la droga". Che non c'entra per nulla.
Comunque, mi sono anche resa conto che il mio concetto di una relazione beata e` di stare davanti al camino con un'amica, con un bicchiere di qualcosa di buono, in una casa circondata dalla natura, ognuna con il nostro studio per farci dell'arte, in un Paese che rispetta le persone, gli animali e la Terra. Ma anche questo alla fine sarebbe rischioso, perche` tutto cio` che si ama si puo` perdere......


Janis said...

I completely understand these feelings - similar outlook, maybe experience too... Being sensitive is a gift, but sometimes emotionally hard to handle (that's me). Big hugs

Happy New Year - wishing you warm fires and satisfying creative moments...

Christine said...

The friendship of women is to be revered. There is no love quite like it.

anna maria said...

So nice to hear from you Janis! Happy New Year to you too.
Christine, I agree completely.

i.ikeda said...

That's a lovely idea - sitting by the fire with a friend, being creative together. I so wish for that sort of friendship. A girl can daydream, right? :)

Love your blog.

anna maria said...

Thank you.
I see that your occupation of eternal student is my description exactly, except I never had the courage or energy to go for a PhD, and that we are both in The Sketchbook Challenge as well as Silly 3.
We shall meet again!